
Why make time to give time? 

Choosing to volunteer your time, 技能, and resources is one of the most powerful ways to make a difference that helps others. Volunteering your time to others also helps to expand your knowledge and understanding, provide you with a sense of purpose, enhance your perspective, 增强你的自尊, and build relationships and community.

10K 每年vns85978威尼斯城官网时间

65 任务之旅

900K Hours vns85978威尼斯城官网d Since 1930

Earn A Franciscan Service Cord

As a Catholic Franciscan institution, we are committed to instilling the value of connecting through joyful service to others in our students.

According to the academic catalog, all Charger students are required to do 20 hours of service per year that amounts to 80 hours of service during their undergraduate experience. In keeping with the spirit of valuing service, 布瑞尔克利夫大学 offers recognition for students who go beyond the graduation requirement. Students who complete 100 hours of service or more will be awarded a service honor cord to be worn at commencement. 

Need Help Tracking Your Service Hours?

我们抓住你了! Let us help you track your volunteer experiences to make sure you meet your goals in time for graduation. Download this volunteer verification document to email or take with you on location, this will allow your supervisor or another third party to sign off on or verify the hours that you are claiming. 然后, use form below to submit this verification document and your hours as frequently as you would like throughout your time at 布瑞尔克利夫大学. Don't forget to tell us about your hours so that we can help you to track every time you serve others. 

Thank you for making time to build connections within our community through joyful service.


Every single Charger in our caring community has been given immeasurable talents to share with the world. We know that the spirit of volunteerism is often fuel to the fires of change both on international and local fronts. 


You don't have to go far to serve others. Chargers can serve both on campus and in our local Siouxland community. Don’t wait for a personalized invitation to start making a difference! 

 Serving the Siouxland Community

As a thriving metropolitan community, Sioux City is home to over 200 non-profit organizations. Don’t wait for a personal invitation to get involved. Start making a difference by:

  • Ringing bells and sorting clothes at Salvation Army 

  • Help maintain and support events at Adams Homestead and Nature Preserve

  • Mentor a Child with Big Brother, Big Sisters of Siouxland

  • vns85978威尼斯城官网 clothing to Catholic Charities

  • Advance the mission of Boys & 女孩俱乐部

  • Improve your home by volunteering at The City of Sioux City

  • Reach the less fortunate at the Food Bank of Siouxland or Siouxland Soup Kitchen

Find the opportunity that best fits your talents, interests, and time. 


 Serving on The Cliff Campus 

作为一个充满爱心的社会, we pride ourselves on offering a wide variety of temporary, 季节性, and existing service events from student organization fundraising for a cause to larger university-wide initiatives including:

  • 罐头食品募捐活动

  • 黑夜闪耀

  • Penny Wars/Rice Bowls

  • Relay for life/5K’s for a cure

  • 一年两次的献血活动  

  • Christmas Party for Persons with Disabilities

  • 爱之树

  • 充电器的衣橱

Details about these events and how to participate each semester will be posted on the calendar and sent to your 布瑞尔克利夫大学 email. 


国家 & 国际推广

Our campus ministry organizes, 计划, and takes mission trips to poverty-stricken countries like Honduras, 危地马拉, 和圣卢西亚. 在那里, you'll carry out mission work — everything from building houses and water systems to distributing clothes and food to the needy.

You can learn more about each trips and how to participate by contacting our Campus Ministry. General information will also be sent to your 布瑞尔克利夫大学 email.